sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Welcome to Sunbreeze Hotel and Transportation

Humberto and Sayda Castra welcome you to the blog for Sunbreeze Hotel and Transportation. They have seven double occupancy rooms with comfortable accommodations. Each room has mosquito netting, comfortable beds with a hammock for just relaxing, nice fans, and a great view of Lake Peten Itza!

Humberto can also arrange, or even provide transportation to Tikal, Flores, Belize City, or where ever your travels might take you.

Please call 7928-8044 or 5898-2665 for additional details or to arrange your stay.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hotel Sunbreeze is conveniently located in the heart of the village, close to shopping and restaurants, yet still has a mindblowing view of the sunsets and a refreshing breeze off the lake to cool the tropical evenings.

  2. sun breeze hotel es muy tranquilo limpio barato y sus duenos son tan amables que te sentiras como en tu propia casa tiene los touurs a tikal muy temprano con los precios mas rasonables y es de mucha confianza

  3. Thank you Humberto for driving my friends and I all around Guatemala and Belize. We really enjoyed Yaxha, the canopy tour, and Tikal. We are very fortunate to have your help. I hope all is well with your business. Have a Happy New Year!

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
